Inspired choices in life, love, and work

Coaching and Consultation with Elizabeth Gifford, PhD

Challenges, changes, and transitions are coming faster and faster. How do we rise to these occasions? How do we clarify our course?

The Tibetan word for transition is Bardo, an opening or in-between state that illuminates the power of our choices. Life is full of Bardos. Small moment-by-moment choices such as orienting our days or weeks, and larger life choices such as investing in our relationships, clarifying the next phase of life, or revitalizing our organizations.

You too can make inspired choices in life, love, and work.

Who I serve


People who are ready to connect with themselves, find freedom from old patterns, and live more joyfully and effortlessly.

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Couples and families

Couples looking to improve their communication and connect with one another in happier, more satisfying, and more meaningful ways.

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Executive leaders who want to create a culture of trust, psychological safety, and shared purpose to engage and inspire their people.

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“Liz Gifford has had a greater impact on a greater number of people than could ever be measured or expressed.”

                                                                                                -Marc Castellani, PhD, VHA Office of Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”— Einstein

Only two psychologists ever won a Nobel Prize, and they won it for identifying limits in how humans think. How do we transcend these limitations? 

Meaningful connection helps us discover new perspectives and open to the potential within and around us. You can evolve beyond your habits and history. This is one of the gifts of a strong coaching relationship.

My story

I began my career as a teenage mom commuting over high mountain passes to go to college.

In spite of the challenges, I earned a PhD in clinical psychology. I went on to develop innovative ways to help people improve their lives and relationships, winning state and national awards for my contributions.

I remain happily married to my husband/high school sweetheart. Together we raised a wonderful son and we continue to live in the beautiful mountains of Lake Tahoe.

As a former teenage mother I know how it feels to work through confusing and difficult circumstances. As a former clinical psychologist, research scientist, and national leader I also know how it feels to have a life with more success than balance.

You deserve more of what you yearn for in your life. Wherever you are on your journey, I am here to help.

The heart of my work

The heart of my work comes from what I’ve learned and overcome in my own life, and wanting deeply to help others navigate their way to inspired choices in life, love, and work.

Philosophers describe two types of knowing, Scientia and Sapientia, or science and experience, and my work draws from both.

  • Evidence-based principles from scientific research conducted by myself and colleagues, including groundbreaking work on Acceptance and Commitment interventions, psychological processes of change, and their neurobiological correlates (see More About Liz).

  • Corresponding principles from experiential sources of human understanding including contemplative practices, flow states, wilderness adventure, and wisdom traditions from Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity.

What if more is possible for you than you know?